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    WINNING TEAM: From left, Barbara Blair, nee Hobbs, Ann Anson, nee Kealy, Marion Addinsall, nee Mitchell, Roma Anson, nee Smith, Merle Clayton, nee Anderson, Marie Anson, nee Hobbs, Gwen Hobbs, nee Wohlers (deceased). Ann Anson was named best player, captain Roma Smith and Marie Hobbs were named as the goal-throwers.

70-year premiership reunion for Douglas Miga Lake Rovers basketball team

Douglas Miga Lake Rovers’ 1954 premiers will reunite on Saturday, marking 70 years since they defeated Konongwotong in the Central Glenelg Basketball Association premiership game. 

Rovers won 26 goals to 19 on a dirt court near where Harrow’s netball and tennis complex now stands. 

On the same day, the Douglas Miga Lake Rovers’ footballers defeated Balmoral, 10.8.68 to 8.6.54, under coach Jim Dawson.

The six remaining basketball premiership players, now aged from 86 to 91, are all set to attend the reunion. 

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The Central Glenelg association involved the towns and districts that now make up Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club – Balmoral, Pigeon Ponds, Konongwotong, Douglas-Miga Lake Rovers, Harrow, Toolondo, Gymbowen and Rocklands.

Douglas Miga Lake Rovers formed in 1946, combining Salt Lakes and Miga Lake teams, and had competed prior to the Second World War. 

Salt Lakes was the original name of the district now known as Douglas. Rovers played at Wombelano, on a ground that was part of a paddock belonging to the Page family. Players used to change in the hall about 150 metres towards Harrow road. A dip in a nearby dam was the players’ only option to clean up.

The club moved to the Central Wimmera Football League in 1956.

In 1970, Douglas Miga Lake Rovers amalgamated with Harrow to form Douglas Harrow Miga Lake, which competed in the Central Wimmera Lowan Star League until 1981. 

They then played in Horsham District League until an amalgamation with Balmoral to form the Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club.

Improvements were gradually made to the ground and it grew to be one of the best-regarded minor league grounds in the 1970s and ’80s. 

It stopped being used for football and netball in 1994.

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