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    Minister Jaclyn Symes.

AgLife: Agricultural opportunity for unemployed

The State Government is giving workers who have lost their jobs a fresh start in agriculture and ensuring primary producers have the workers they need to keep producing at high levels during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Agriculture and Regional Development Minister Jaclyn Symes launched a $50-million Agriculture Workforce Plan, designed to provide practical support for critical food industries, helping the sector and regional communities. 

The plan will match workers who have lost their jobs with employers in the agriculture sector, helping agribusinesses and primary producers to meet their labour and operational needs.

It is part of the government’s $500-million Working for Victoria Fund, established to help workers who have lost their jobs find new opportunities. 

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Agriculture Victoria and Regional Development Victoria are working to match displaced workers to vital industries such as horticulture, dairy, meat and food production and manufacturing, as well as transport and logistics services. 

The plan will help pay for training to ensure redeployed workers have swift access to upskilling. 

The entire April 29, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

The entire April 29, 2020 edition of AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!