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Council seeks insight into Northern Grampians businesses

Northern Grampians Shire Council is seeking input from businesses in the shire to assess the severity the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the regional economy.

The council, in acknowledging variations of impact the virus was having across industry sectors and regions, has invited business leaders to fill out a survey.

The survey is designed to provide region-specific insight for the council to understand the support businesses require now and when Victoria transitions to an economic-recovery position.

Mayor Murray Emerson said while many people were dealing with day-to-day pressures caused by the pandemic, it was important to remember the crisis would pass and planning for the future was essential.

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“The insights provided by the survey will help us plan for the most effective recovery response possible to ensure business and community can get back on its feet as quickly as possible with long-term solutions,” he said.

“To support rapid recovery and demonstrate the impact for your business and your region, a strong quantifiable evidence base is critical.”

The survey is run by REMPLAN, an economic and social research consultancy that works with local governments to collect and understand economic data.

Businesses can take part in the online survey at website

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