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    Victoria’s fire season has officially drawn to a close.

End of fire season

By Bronwyn Hastings

Victoria’s fire season has officially drawn to a close, following a number of significant bushfires in the state’s west during the season.

Bushfire intensity heightened last summer, as did the amount of incidents Country Fire Authority volunteers responded to, with more than 14,600 from December to March – up from 10,200 during the previous fire season.

A catastrophic fire danger  day, on February 13, was the first since the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System was introduced and was the start of a turbulent few weeks for CFA volunteers.

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CFA deputy chief officer
Garry Cook thanked every CFA member, volunteer and staff, for their incredible response during the past few months.

“Each day, we continue to demonstrate we are flexible, agile, committed and well-equipped to assist those in need at any given time, and it is admirable and appreciated,” he said.

“The prolonged response showcased the commitment of CFA brigades across the region, with many working multiple days in challenging circumstances.”

Rise in incidents

Throughout February and March, thousands of firefighters came from across Victoria to fight devastating bushfires that hit the Grampians including Pomonal and Dadswells Bridge, Staffordshire, Bayindeen and Dereel, which burnt more than 30,500 hectares.

CFA volunteers assisted other agencies a further 426 times compared with 2022-23, and while vegetation fires saw a decline, structure fires and fires involving electrical equipment both rose by 108 incidents.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in our deployments, both across Victoria and interstate, but also to those who remained close to home to continue protecting our local communities,” Mr Cook said.

Landowners can now burn off, however it is important residents check conditions are safe before commencing.

“Residents must still register their burn-offs, check weather conditions and follow local council laws and regulation,” Mr Cook said.

“Registering your burn-off ensures that if smoke or fire is reported, the incident is cross- checked with our register, which prevents firefighters from responding unnecessarily.”

Landowners can register their burn-off online at or by calling 1800 668 511.

The entire May 8, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!