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    L-R Back: Kerrie Ryan - Secretary GWFNC, Trenton Fithall - Director Infrastructure, Cr Lauren Dempsey, David McCartney - Bar Manager GWFNC, Cr Trevor Gready, Cr Kevin Erwin, James Gooden - Vice President GWFNC,L-R Front: Cr Murray Emerson, Tracey McCartney - President GWFNC, Jaala Pulford MP Member for Western Victoria at Great Western in 2022.

Extra pavilion funds approved for Great Western

Northern Grampians Shire Council has allocated an extra $175,000 to the Great Western Recreation Reserve pavilion upgrade, bringing the project’s total cost to $2,637,000.

The additional money will come from council savings as a result of a reduced rates subsidy for projects in the 2024-25 financial year.

The pavilion, which houses the Great Western Football Netball Club, was identified as requiring upgrades in the council’s Great Western Redevelopment Master Plan 2018-28.

The plan found the pavilion no longer met the needs of the club or community.

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The upgrade works aim to bring the facility in line with AFL, Cricket Australia and Netball Victoria standards by refurbishing the canteen, bar and public toilets; extending the function room into the home changerooms; refurbishing changerooms to ensure their suitability for male and female players; constructing a medical room; refurbishing and enlarging umpire rooms; and adding storage, office and larger undercover spectator areas.

Councillors said the project had encountered unexpected costs relating to the need for additional electrical load at the site.

Site constraints, including the location of a sewer pump station and trees near the pavilion, also required alterations to the building’s layout.

“The extra funding is needed because we had to have an electricity upgrade from 80 amps to 160,” Cr Trevor Gready said. “There were a few constraints. There was a big sewerage pipe we couldn’t get around, there’s trees. That’s the basic need for the extra money.

“I feel it’s going to be a great asset to Great Western and the community, and we should forge ahead with it.”

Cr Kevin Erwin said the project’s contingency funding was already exhausted.

“Due to the constraints of the site there’s had to be some redesign and the contingency part of the budget has been pretty well soaked up, so it does require some additional funding to complete this project,” he said.

Cr Eddy Ostarcevic said it was important to complete the project for the benefit of the town.

“A couple of years ago we were provided information by the Great Western community, ably led by the president of the football netball club at that time,” he said.

“This project has come a long way since that briefing to give the community and council comfort that there was ongoing viability within the Great Western area.

“This $2.6 million is testament to the fact that council listened to their request and their argument for a better outcome. 

“Hopefully soon we’ll be able to see the rewards.”

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