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  • Hero image
    Holy Trinity Lutheran School junior and middle school captains, from back left, Harry Daniell, junior vice-captain, Leah Eilola, middle vice-captain, Zara Adams, junior vice-captain, Henry Kinsman, middle vice-captain; front, Cadel Hawken, Gemma Freijah, junior captains, Zoa Mock and Wil Tippet, middle captains.

Holy Trinity junior school captains

ROLE MODELS: Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College junior school captains Cadel Hawken and Gemma Freijah, centre, with middle school captains Zoa Mock and Wil Tippet, right, are pictured with vice-captains, back from left, Harrison Daniell, junior school, Leah Eilola, middle school, Zara Adams, junior school, and Henry Kinsman, middle school.

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