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LETTER: Opportunity missed

SIR, – I am not surprised Horsham Rural City Council failed to receive the $3-million government sports grant for a splash park on the Wimmera River.

The grants commission would have realised safety issues with toddlers near the river and that the proposed area went under a metre of water when flooded.

The council would have been better off putting it at the Horsham Botanic Garden workshop and house site. That way, an existing play area and toilets could have been used with no flood issues.

What an opportunity missed. 

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As a Horsham Aquatic Centre management committee member, I am disappointed the council overlooked aquatic centre plans for a water fun park.

A big slide and water splash pool would have attracted a lot more tourists to Horsham than this toddler pool at the river ever would. We were shovel ready, had it planned for years and approved by council and only waiting for finance.

I cannot understand why the council does not finish projects. Horsham Aquatic Centre has been promised the big slide water fun park and us geriatrics have been waiting for the thermal pool and associated change rooms for years. 

Horsham Police Paddock is supposed to be a major recreational area but put on hold, Dudley Cornell Park remains unfinished and what is happening with the council depot site? 

We also keep hearing of work needed for upgrading railway crossings and pedestrian underpasses and so on.

Horsham Town Hall is nowhere near finished – the acoustics in both rooms are shocking. 

There is still a floor to go in the main hall and what happened to the big screen in the main hall that was going to be looked at again?

Horsham would progress greatly with these projects finished.  

A ring road and second bridge surely should be a major priority before spending millions on the river.

I hope a new council has the same opinion.

Neville McIntyre

McKenzie Creek

The entire September 2, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!