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    Trent DeZoete.

Man charged over Stawell death

Major Collision Investigation Unit detectives have charged a man following a fatal collision at a motor sports club in Stawell last year.

A car struck a spectator on Burrong Basin Road about 4.20pm on November 4, 2023.

The spectator, Trent DeZoete, an 18-year-old from Pimpinio, died at the scene.

The driver of the car, a 28-year-old man of no fixed address, was arrested this morning.

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Police charged him with dangerous driving causing death, reckless conduct endangering life and reckless conduct endangering serious injury.

He was also charged with a separate incident that occurred in Wendouree at about noon on Friday, where is he allegedly lost control and crashed through the garage of a private address on Learmonth Road, causing major structural damage.

The man was charged with reckless conduct endangering life, reckless conduct endangering serious injury, and failing an oral fluid test in relation to the Wendouree incident.

He was due to appear before Ballarat Magistrates’ Court this afternoon.


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