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Net-zero expo at Moyston

The next instalment of Paraway Pastoral’s net-zero field days will be in the Grampians region, with the agricultural producer to host a ‘Net Zero: Better for Business’ expo at its Barton Station property near Moyston on May 22.

Paraway Pastoral, which aims to produce net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, operates 27 pastoral enterprises across Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and is keen to help other farming operations reach their own climate targets.

Free to attend, the ‘Net Zero: Better for Business’ on-farm event will build on Paraway Pastoral’s ‘Getting Started’ field day, which was at Burindi Station in NSW last year.

Chief executive Harvey Gaynor said the organisation was thrilled with the interest shown at last year’s event and was determined to showcase more positive opportunities to combat climate change.

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“The upcoming field day will have a strong line-up of industry representatives sharing their knowledge,” he said.

“We will demonstrate the next steps of working towards net zero by showing how Paraway Pastoral is managing its own emissions company-wide, within the Barton aggregation and alongside other initiatives.”

“Our previous event attracted more than 200 participants, with the majority being producers. We’ve built another high-quality program to make the Barton Station field day just as valuable to producers in that region.

“By extending the invitation to other farming enterprises to join us for this event, we’re hoping that they, too, will find this to be a valuable knowledge sharing and networking opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.”

To find out more or to register to attend the free event, people can visit website

The entire May 8, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!