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Rangers dominate Horsham volleyball

By David Berry

At the halfway point of Volleyball Horsham’s summer season, competition for places inside the top four has intensified as teams start to find their groove.

In A Grade, Rangers survived another scare, this time from Heidelberg, in one of the games of the season last week, to record a gutsy win and remain undefeated on top of the ladder.

Rangers’ big guns Tyler Puls and Jack Hannan had to call on all their experience to register their win, with only two sets completed in the time allowed.

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The high risk, high reward game Rangers play saw them win two sets to love, 25-20, 30-28, with the second set alone lasting more than 30 minutes.

Even though Rangers sit comfortably on top of the ladder, even at this early stage the gap between them and the rest of the competition is closing, meaning anyone can make the four.

The same could be said for B Grade ladder leaders HTLC Tigers.

A hard fought win against Heidelberg sees the students from HTLC sitting comfortably on top of the ladder, but the competition is closing in fast, as could be seen by Phantoms Blue’s points win against Luke McCallum’s Maccas Malakas.

New player Adel slipped in nicely to the Phantoms Blue line-up and won a lot of points for his team.

Jack Kelly’s HTLC Tigers Junior A boys’ team is the other clear ladder leader, undefeated on top, but the rest of the competition is in a fight for the remaining spots in the four, with all junior players benefitting from consistent court time and improving as each week goes by.

In A Reserve, Women’s, Junior B and C Grade divisions, competition for spots in the finals is on in earnest, as no team can confidently lay claim to its position in the four at present.

With five games remaining, all teams will be out to play their best and earn their wins in order to qualify as high as possible come finals time.


The first phase of the premier league season is now complete, with Phantoms premier one men finishing in third place in its pool, premier one women fourth and premier two men also third, as the draw resets with crossover games awaiting.

Phantoms premier teams will sit back and rest this weekend, waiting patiently for what the next phase of the draw holds.

In state league competition, Phantoms SL2 women have enjoyed a solid first phase, registering four wins and two losses, while the SL1 men lost another five-setter on the weekend, leaving their record at two wins and four losses, while the SL2 men enjoyed a bye after recording their first win of the season last round.

Ararat competition

The success of an Anzac Day challenge between Volleyball Horsham and Ararat Volleyball will see a sequel being staged on Sunday, May 26 in Ararat.

The Ararat crew is keen to see the rematch and host what promises to be another day of fast-paced volleyball at Ararat Fitness Centre.

The entire May 8, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!