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    BLOW ME DOWN: Damaged silos at Charles de Fegely’s Dobie farm near Ararat after a November storm.

AgLife: ‘Dramatic’ weather variability

A La Niña climatic system predominating over eastern Australia this year has played a major role in dictating weather throughout a dramatic spring and early summer.

While spring weather throughout western Victoria is traditionally more turbulent than all other seasons, rain-bearing La Niña, opposite to the dry El Niño, typically promotes more storms across large parts of the continent.

Occasional storms, some sudden and extreme, have developed in the Wimmera, Mallee and Western District during the seasonal crossover, in some cases causing significant damage.

A cyclone cut a swathe through Horsham’s northern fringe earlier this month, following other damaging wind and rain storms across the region throughout the spring.

Article continues below

Ararat and district was also among areas hit by storm activity in November, prompting several State Emergency Service call-outs.

The entire December 23, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

The entire December 23, 2020 edition of AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!