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    Birchip Cropping Group farmers John Stutchbury and Liz Ferrier on a seeder in December 1998.

AgLife: Milestone for Birchip Cropping Group

Victoria’s oldest farmers group will celebrate an anniversary milestone in 2022 and has asked all people connected to the organisation to save the date. 

Birchip Cropping Group, BCG, will notch 30 years of agricultural networking and solutions with an anniversary dinner on October 7 and hopes farmers and industry leaders will help mark the occasion. 

BCG chief executive Fiona Best said the milestone was a ‘special’ achievement. 

“BCG was developed by a handful of dedicated and energised individuals who grew the organisation into the thriving and dynamic operation we are today,” she said. “It was their belief in the power of shared solutions, which stands at the heart of BCG’s enduring success.

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“The dinner will celebrate 30 years of progress, of dedication, optimism and determination of farmers, researchers and communities who strived to not just persevere with what we have, but to build and develop solutions that have benefited not only the local community but the wider region encompassing the Australian agricultural sector.”

BCG has also announced a new organisation offshoot for young farmers and has invited young western Victorian farmers to join the new network. 

Birchip Young Farmers Network, made up of groups across the Wimmera, Mallee and North Central, provides an opportunity to ‘socialise, improve farming knowledge and strengthen professional networks’. 

The group’s first meeting is scheduled for a post-sowing-season kick-off. 

Young farmers are asked to email or call 5492 2787 to register interest. 

For more information on BCG’s anniversary dinner,  people can call Ms Best on 0427 922 786. 

The entire May 25, 2022 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

The entire May 25, 2022 edition of AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!