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    David Littleproud.

AgLife: New drought working group

Federal Drought Minister David Littleproud has won support through the Ministerial Council for a new working group to try to integrate Commonwealth, state and territory drought-relief programs.

Mr Littleproud said the working group, a partnership between a new National Drought Agency and National Farmers’ Federation, would remove inefficiencies and doubling up to improve access for affected farms and communities to recovery programs.

He said the group would improve program effectiveness and ensure the right assistance was delivered at the right time, to farmers and communities.

He said ministers also agreed the group would be a standing item on the Ministerial Council agenda.

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“States last year signed up to the National Drought Agreement and as the next step at the Ministerial Council, they have agreed to report on their current assistance measures,” he said.

“This brings more transparency for farmers who want to access help, and less red tape. It also means there will be greater confidence in what help is available.

 “Each government currently offers a variety of different drought measures.

“We have a responsibility to ensure that drought assistance is complementary at the different levels of government, and not working against other assistance measures.”

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The entire December 18,, 2019 edition of AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!