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Air-con for social housing in Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack

Families in Yarriambiack and Hindmarsh municipalities will benefit from a State Government project to install air-conditioning in social-housing homes. 

The government’s Social Housing Energy Efficiency Program will support a range of cost-effective energy efficiency upgrades for 35,000 public, community and Aboriginal housing properties. 

Air-conditioning will be installed in up to 2000 properties across Mildura, Swan Hill, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack, Buloke, Gannawarra, Campaspe, Moira and Greater Shepparton local government areas, along with draught sealing and ceiling insulation where required. 

Homes receiving upgrades will be prioritised based on conditions such as the existing state of the home, opportunities for appliance replacement, renter circumstances and susceptibility to temperature extremes.

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