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    HELPERS: Millie, 4, and George, the Dimboola Kindergarten dragon, having fun at Snape Reserve, where volunteers will help with tree-planting this weekend.

Annual Snape Reserve plantout at Dimboola

Dimboola’s Snape Reserve committee is calling for volunteers to help with tree-planting during the King’s birthday weekend, an annual tradition that has helped bring the property back to its natural state.

For about 150 years, the 846-hectare area was used for cropping and grazing, until it was acquired by Trust for Nature in 2002, supported by Diana and Brian Snape. 

Since then, a small, voluntary team has worked at the reserve.

Chairperson Sharyn Cook said she first volunteered at Snape Reserve at a Landcare tree-planting weekend two years ago.

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“It’s fast becoming my happy place,” she said.

“There’s always something going on out there. We’ve had Zoos Victoria visit three times looking for the endangered golden-rayed blue butterfly. It lives on the edge of salt lakes in a plant called myoporum, and if they don’t find the butterfly, they will plant more myoporum to increase its chances of survival.”

The reserve is also home to wildlife at risk of extinction, such as powerful owls, diamond firetails, tree goannas and red-tailed black cockatoos.

Tree-planting, including large-scale events assisted by Greening Australia and Project Hindmarsh, has drawn groups of volunteers to the area to plant thousands of trees and shrubs, with the next event during the June long weekend.

“People can visit on Saturday, bring the kids out to plant some trees – you only need to bring your gumboots and gloves,” Ms Cook said.

“We’re hoping for about 50 people, everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter if people just want to plant a few trees, or stay all day.”

To register attendance, or for more information, call or text Ms Cook on 0410 024 171.

Snape Reserve is one of more than 40 conservation properties across Victoria owned by Trust for Nature. 

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