The 32nd annual three-day event begins on Friday, February 14, and will also feature Connie Kis Andersen, Lance Birrell, Don Costa, Leah Briggs, Gavin Chandler, Oz Quo, and backing bands Heartland and Roadhouse.
Weekend passes are available online, at a cost of $100 plus booking fee, or at the gate for $120.
Children under the age of 15 can enter free of charge. This year there is a special ticket price for late-comers: from 6.30pm on Saturday, tickets are $70, but entry to the event and the camping area must be after 6.30pm.
“Tickets are still available, of course, but we do find that there’s a bit of a rush towards the home stretch before the event,” Ms Gust said.
“We have found in the past couple of years that the audience is changing. It was typically the 30s and 40s and above, but we have seen a lot more younger ones wanting to come.
“It’s a unique event with a great atmosphere – free camping and a whole weekend of entertainment – and being right by the lake, people can jump in for a swim and still hear the music.”
Ms Gust said future events rely on the success of each year’s volunteer-run community event.
“The more the merrier – it makes for a great atmosphere, the more people we have there, the more chance we’ll be able to continue having it year after year.”
People can follow the event’s Facebook page for updates, and its website for tickets and information.
The entire February 5, 2025 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!