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Border Districts celebrate 25 years

Border Districts celebrated a quarter of a century since its merger with Goroke at the weekend, naming teams of the past 25 years and raffling special player-worn guernseys at a post-match function.

Club president Darren Walter said the 1999 merger between Goroke and Border District had yielded great results for the Eagles – none bigger than last year’s first-ever A Grade premiership in the Kowree-Naracoorte-Tatiara Football League.

Mr Walter said a huge crowd watched the weekend’s game, with a 53-point loss to Mundulla doing nothing to dampen their spirits.

“Apart from the footy result, which wasn’t in our favour, it was a really good day,” he said. “The clubrooms afterwards were completely packed. A lot of past players came back and it was just a really good catch up for people.

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“It was a large gate, and the clubrooms had close to 200 people in them after the game. We did about 150 teas, which for a club of our size is pretty big.”

Mr Walter said the 25-year anniversary teams sparked plenty of friendly conversation, while the guernsey raffle was a huge success.

“I heard a lot of favourable comments about the teams. I’m sure not everyone agreed with every position or every player, but there was a lot of discussion and reminiscing about how good a lot of different players were, or particular games where somebody might have stood out,” he said.

“The raffle went extremely well. The jumpers averaged about $500 each.

“Both current and past players were involved in the bidding, and not just players of the past 25 years, but in one case a player who played about 50 years ago was keen to get his old number. Everybody was involved.”

Mr Walter thanked a large contingent of club volunteers and supporters who helped organise the event.

“There was a lot of work by a number of people to make it happen. I appreciated all the work people put in, and I think everyone else who attended did as well,” he said.

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