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Cops and clink cricket clash returns

For the first time in more than a decade, a charity cricket match between members of Victoria Police and staff at Ararat’s Hopkins Correctional Centre will take place at Gordon Street Recreation Reserve.

The match was an annual fixture on the region’s calendar but has not been played in about 15 years, according to organisers.

The match, scheduled for February 16, will raise money for local charity groups including Ararat Men’s Shed, Lions Club of Ararat and the Blue Ribbon Foundation’s Ararat branch.

Organisers said they hoped to re-establish the match as an annual event, aiming to strengthen bonds between police and corrections staff while raising money for local groups.

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The event will be supported by Grampians Cricket Association.

For more information, people can follow the Eyewatch – Northern Grampians Police Service Area Facebook page at

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