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    Horsham Rural City Council is seeking a $2.5-million Federal Government contribution to advance its plans for the redevelopment of Horsham Community Oval. 

Council plan to advance Horsham Community Oval precinct

Horsham Rural City Council is seeking a $2.5-million Federal Government contribution to advance its plans for the redevelopment of Horsham Community Oval. 

The council has applied to the government’s ‘Regional precincts and partnerships program’ to complete schematic design, detailed planning and tender documentation for the precinct, on Dimboola Road, ensuring it is ‘investment-ready’; and has also approved a $150,000 council co-contribution. 

The precinct would transform to include an indoor stadium, outdoor netball courts and hockey pitch. 

It is part of a broader Wimmera Regional Multi-Sport Precinct plan which also includes Dudley Cornell Park in Horsham and Haven Recreation Reserve. 

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The outcome of the funding application will be known this month, providing 18 months to complete consultation, detailed plans and agreements with community groups, Horsham College and other stakeholders requiring relocation as part of the concept plan. 

Councillor Penny Flynn said governments were calling on councils and other organisations to ensure projects were ‘shovel-ready’ before applying for funding to complete projects; and this funding stream would ensure detailed planning was completed. 

Cr David Bowe said a successful application, and investment-ready project, opened doors to further funding to bring the project to life. 

Cr Claudia Haenel said while she was not in favour of a multi-precinct model, it was ‘fiscally responsible’ to progress the application. 

Cr Ian Ross said he was concerned the project was ‘leapfrogging’ other plans, such as those for Horsham North. 

“This needs to be done, and so do others – so it’s how we prioritise,” he said.

The council has also indicated in-kind project management worth $255,000 as part of its application. 

The entire December 6, 2023 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!