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    Yarriambiack chief executive Tammy Smith.

Councils secure youth programs

Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack shire councils have secured funding for State Government Engage! and FReeZA programs for the next three years, which will support youth entertainment, leadership and training opportunities.

Yarriambiack Shire Council received $150,000 to deliver its Building Youth Leadership for the shire’s Future project at the shire’s three secondary colleges, run by Western Bulldogs Community Foundation. 

Hindmarsh’s Engage! program will continue to empower young people to co-design and deliver activities that build skills and confidence, and encourage creativity, while the FReeZA funding will allow council to support music events, school holiday activities, and training opportunities for young people.

Youth councillors play an important role in leading the development and delivery of activities through the Engage! and FReeZA programs. 

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“With the help and funding from FReeZA and Engage! Hindmarsh Shire youth councillors are able to put on fun and exciting events for young people,” youth councillor Lilly Williams said.

“Without it, these events that help us develop social skills, improve our mental health and get us out of our comfort zone, would not happen.”

Yarriambiack chief executive Tammy Smith said the Building Youth Leadership Program aimed to empower young people aged 12 to 18 through leadership training, mentorship and community projects. 

“The project’s objectives include building leadership skills by offering workshops decided by youth and may include public speaking, teamwork, and project management,” she said.

The entire February 5, 2025 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!