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Deer culling closes state and national parks

Parts of the Grampians, Langi Ghiran and Mount Buangor national and state parks will be closed this month as part of an ongoing joint effort by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, DEECA, and Parks Victoria to control feral deer populations.

DEECA officials said the Langi Ghiran and Mount Buangor state parks, along with sections of Mount Cole State Forest and Mount Lonarch State Forest, would be closed to the public between August 19 and 23 from 7.30am to 5.30pm while an aerial shooting program targeted deer and other invasive species including feral pigs, goats and foxes.

Parks Victoria district manager David Petty said controlling invasive species would reduce their negative impacts on cultural, agricultural, and biodiversity factors, while assisting fire recovery efforts.

He said rocky environments, tree risk and fire-affected roads made aerial shooting the only viable option for population control.

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“It’s really important our native species and landscapes are protected from the damage that deer and feral animals can cause,” he said.

“This operation is part of the recovery of Mount Buangor’s ecosystem from the fire and conducted in partnership with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

“Deer and feral animals are a significant threat to survival and recovery as they seriously damage native vegetation and important habitat areas through grazing, browsing, trampling and wallowing.

“Parks Victoria and other land managers regularly carry out deer control across Victoria as part of a comprehensive, scientific approach to protecting native ecosystems.”  

DEECA will also undertake aerial shooting in the Grampians National Park between now and July, 2025.

Officials said areas where shooting was set to take place would be temporarily closed to the public, while advising that people could see helicopters and hear gunshots.

People can view an interactive map outlining targeted deer management areas online at

Information on park closures is available at

People can find more information and updates on the DEECA Deer Management Project at or contact the customer service centre on 136 186.


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