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    Senior constable Aari Mellington.

Drug testing at Jeparit

Police in Jeparit will have their sights set on drug drivers following an expansion of the force’s roadside testing regime.  

Victoria Police is doubling the amount of police stations and units across the state with the ability to perform roadside drug testing over the next 12 months, including several one-member police stations and smaller stations in regional areas.  

Jeparit has been selected as part of the expansion, with officers to be trained and equipped to carry out drug testing at the roadside.  

Roadside drug testing started at Jeparit last week.  

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Senior Constable Aari Mellington, of Jeparit police, said testing would occur at various days, times and locations in the area as part of a broader ‘anywhere, anytime’ enforcement approach.

“Roadside drug testing in Jeparit is a win for the community – it means we can detect and remove dangerous drug drivers from our roads and help keep all road users safe from harm,” he said.

“Drug driving is a major contributor to road trauma, and we know particularly in regional areas there’s a  greater perception that you’re unlikely to be caught.  

“Put simply, if you take drugs and drive the chances of getting caught have never been greater. 

“If you choose to drive on drugs, there is nowhere to hide – we can be anywhere, anytime.” 

Failing a roadside drug test carries a $593 fine and six-month licence suspension for a first offence, with repeat offenders required to attend court and face further penalties including significant fines and licence cancellation.

The entire August 7, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!