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EDITORIAL: Fighting for children

Producing a back-to-school feature in this week’s edition of The Weekly Advertiser has galvanised why we must continue to find ways to beat and manage infectious disease without closing schools.

Reading comments from and seeing the faces of fresh-faced prep children, all a little excited and anxious about starting school, provides us with a powerful reason to get this right.

There is a growing realisation and understanding, if we weren’t aware already, that children need face-to-face learning opportunities and we as a society need this to happen.

In fact we don’t really have a choice. Sure, children and people in general can learn in isolation for extended periods of time. But it is ultimately a necessity for children to mix, so at the very least, they gain an understanding of life.

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Human ability to rationalise circumstance often comes from being able to understand each other. 

Children learn from their elders, teachers and parents. But they gain that something extra from each other, borne from connectivity with different individuals, that represents critical ingredients in a winning formula for society.

We feel for the mums and dads trying to get the best possible understanding of and advice about latest circumstances and trying to get in a position to make informed decisions.

And then there is teaching staff. They have been as much in the frontline trenches as anyone during this pandemic.

What we know, in no uncertain terms, is that our government leaders want children back in classrooms.

What we also know is that we must continue to fight a good fight against COVID-19 – whether in the medical laboratory, in the office, worksite, home or playground.

If there is anything worth fighting for and doing what we need to do to win, it’s our children.


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The entire January 19, 2022 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!