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EDITORIAL: Fighting the good fight...

The entire July 21, 2021 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

To suggest frantically punching out words on a laptop in a lonely home office while hoping pieces of a weekly deadline-driven project fall into place is awkward and stressful would be an understatement. 

But that’s our world again for the moment at The Weekly Advertiser as we pull out all stops to continue to live up to the expectations of our readers, advertisers, each other and communities.

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COVID-19 lockdowns hit hard and the truth is our regional publication is only one of many businesses and employees desperately trying to keep the cogs of industry spinning.

It is downright frustrating but at least we can continue to work. We spare a thought for people who can’t and businesses caught in a tightening grip of financial hardship and all the uncertainty this creates.

And that’s without touching on all the health and social pressures and uncertainty this mongrel virus is placing on us all.

West Wimmera Shire mayor Bruce Meyer has urged communities on the Victorian-South Australian border to try to be patient and positive.

He is more than aware that the border community, which relies on services each side of the imaginary ‘line’ for day-to-day life, has perhaps endured greater complications than others. 

This is courtesy of different pandemic responses in Melbourne and Adelaide.

His message, while simple and to the point, is solid and we endorse it wholeheartedly for all the Wimmera-Mallee and beyond.

It’s hard to be positive, let alone patient, especially if you are someone who has suffered considerable loss or can’t find a way to get timely business or personal support. 

We all have bills to pay and people and situations to support.

We have proved we have a resilient society and must recognise, amid all the gloom and frustration, that adversity often creates opportunity and fresh perspectives.

Again, we understand this might mean little for someone driven close to or over the edge – but attitude can mean everything.

So as we at The Weekly Advertiser type away in our home offices, pausing occasionally to pat the dog and swear at technology, we encourage everyone to think ahead.

We’re not out of this fight by a long shot, but we’re a pretty tough adversary.