“The oval’s lighting must meet the diverse needs of park-goers, from families wanting extended playtime to evening joggers concerned about safety. Our aim is to enhance the park’s functionality, safety, and appeal for all community members.”
To access the survey, visit engage.ararat.vic.gov.au/alexandra-oval-lighting-upgrade before 5pm Friday.
New dog park
Ararat council is also preparing applications for State Government funding for a new dog park.
The proposed park will provide a dedicated, outdoor, fenced space for dogs to exercise and socialise off-leash safely.
“The community’s input on the proposed new dog park is crucial to ensuring our residents hold an understanding of ownership of the space, and that it meets local needs,” Dr Harrison said.
“The project will benefit from diverse perspectives, potentially uncovering innovative ideas and addressing concerns pre-emptively – and a collaborative approach promotes transparency in decision-making. We want to maximise the park’s value.”
To access the survey, visit https://engage.ararat.vic.gov.au/proposed-centenary-park-dog-park before 5pm Friday.
The entire September 11, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!