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    After 26 years as Horsham Sports and Community Club general manager, Glenn Carroll is stepping into a part-time role of chief financial officer. Picture: BRONWYN HASTINGS

Glenn Carroll finds new rhythm

By Bronwyn Hastings

Glenn Carroll has stepped back from his full-time role as Horsham Sports and Community Club’s general manager to take on the part-time position of chief financial officer.

Mr Carroll said he had been looking to change his work pace for a couple of years.

“I’ve been very open with the board and the senior staff in looking for someone else to steer the ship,” he said.

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During his 26 years as manager, Mr Carroll has seen the business and its ventures grow.

“From where the place was when I started to where it is now – the club leased the premises, now it owns it,” he said. 

“The club also owns some other business interests around the region, and has no debt. 

“It’s also handed $3.5-million back to the local community.”

The club donated about 1500 meals to the Christian Emergency Food Centre last year, and collected items from the community for reverse advent calendar boxes for the centre.

“It’s absolutely brilliant, the community generosity and recognising the need that’s there,” Mr Carroll said.

“So many individuals, groups, schools and businesses got on board. 

“A teacher at the Lutheran school said the kids were just so happy to contribute in some way. 

“They understand what it’s about. They get it. It’s not just about getting a gift at Christmas time, it’s giving to someone else and making that absolute difference. 

“To me, that’s what the club’s there for, and that’s its purpose. That’s what it’s set up for.” 

Mr Carroll said across his journey he estimated 1000 sporting clubs and community groups had benefitted from the club’s funding. 

“Some of those donations have been large, and some small – I remember probably 20 years ago, we gave $200 to the Rainbow Senior Citizens for some board games and a couple of new decks of cards and they were as happy as anything, because they couldn’t afford to do it themselves,” he said. “I know we gave a couple of thousand dollars to Riding for Disabled to buy some new boots for the kids to go out and ride horses. 

“The photo we got back was of eight or 10 kids sitting on the fence out at the equestrian centre with their shiny boots on and great big cheesy grins on their faces, which is brilliant.

“There’s not too many community-based organisations, sporting groups, community groups that we probably haven’t touched at some point.”

Daniel Hounsell will take over as general manager; a qualified chef with a marketing degree, he has been assistant manager for the past decade. 

“He knows how the place works, he’s done a fantastic job,” Mr Carroll said.

“I’m also grateful for the support I’ve had from the many different board members over the journey that volunteer their time for the betterment of the club and for the betterment of the community.”

Mr Carroll said going to the gym and playing golf a couple of times a week would assist in his finding a new rhythm in life.