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    Kevin O'Brien.

Haven petition to form part of structure plan

A petition with the signatures of 150 residents to establish an early years education facility in Haven was presented to Horsham Rural City Council.

Haven Community Enterprise Inc has requested that early years infrastructure be provided at Haven to create a sports, community and education hub for the growing community. 

At its December meeting, council received and noted the petition, referring it to be included as part of community feedback for the draft Horsham South Structure Plan. 

There had been no allowance made for an early years facility in Haven in the current draft Horsham South Structure Plan, which was open for community feedback until December 13.

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Council’s communities and place director Kevin O’Brien said council was working with the State Government to consider options in Horsham South. 

“Any early years facility would only be funded if there was demonstrated demand to support the investment,” he said.

In his report to the council, Mr O’Brien said discussions with Haven Community Enterprise Inc took place in 2023.

“Their argument is with the planned zoning changes of smaller block sizes surrounding the Haven Recreation Reserve and Haven Primary School, that there are developers waiting to subdivide their properties, which will allow for more young families to make their homes at Haven,” he said.

“Kindergartens are critically important social infrastructure, and council has prepared the Horsham Municipal Early Years Plan 2024-28 to provide direction for early years programs and activities and is aware that many families would like to see kindergarten services established in Haven. 

“Council does not operate kindergartens; we provide advice and collaborate with the Department of Education. 

“Historically, council have provided buildings, but not necessarily going forward. In the current environment kindergartens are being provided by the Department of Education’s pre-prep program or through long daycare providers.”

The entire January 22, 2025 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!