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    Greg and Angela Munn talk to Cr David Bowe at the 2023 Horsham Talks Expo.

Horsham council engagement expo

Residents will have the chance to help shape Horsham Rural City Council’s long-term strategic planning at a two-day public engagement event on Friday and Saturday.

The Horsham Rural City Talks Expo, in the Heritage Hall at Horsham Town Hall, will allow council’s user groups and the general public to influence the development of documents such as the council plan, the health and wellbeing plan, annual action plan and its budget.

People’s contributions to the expo will also inform the planning and design of projects slated for the municipality in the future.

Mayor Robyn Gulline said the event would include information and displays and people would be able to provide feedback to council staff.

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“There will be giveaways, door prizes and competitions,” she said.

“The expo has been designed to provide a transparent process that gives all members of our community an equal voice in planning for future priorities of council.

“All feedback provided by the community during the expo will be included in an engagement outcomes report, which will be made available to the community and considered by council when reviewing the council plan and annual action plan and developing the council budget for 2025-2026.”

The event will provide participants with a chance to vote on selected topics for discussion. 

There will also be an online version of the expo on council’s website where the community can view the exhibits and provide feedback on the plans and projects.

The expo will run from 10am to 7pm on Friday, and 10am to 1pm on Saturday.

The entire August 7, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!