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    THANK YOU: Geoff Evans, Graeme Lewis, Glenn Carroll, Gloria Muldoon, Dale Russell, Gary Howden and Brendan Wills with $3000 from Horsham Sports and Community Club’s annual grants program for District 17 Headquarters Brigade. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Horsham Sports and Community club returns share

By Bronwyn Hastings

Horsham Sports and Community Club has distributed money from its annual sponsorship grants program – this year contributing $135,000 to community groups across the Wimmera and beyond.

Club manager Glenn Carroll said the program supported sporting clubs, community groups, individuals, memberships and projects.

“The club is here to truly support its community – it has distributed about $3,644,000 since the program began in 1993,” he said.

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Among the recipients this year were the Horsham Headquarters Fire Brigade, Cooinda Burrong Scout Camp, and Serviceton Bowling Club.

Brigade captain Graeme Lewis said a $3000 grant would enable the retrofit of more robust handwashing facilities in a new hygiene trailer, which would also have toilets.

“We’re very grateful for this funding from the sports and community club,” he said.

“The trailer will be an asset for the district in providing a place for firefighters and other personnel to wash properly during incidents when we’re set up in remote areas.”

Mr Lewis said the trailer, worth about $30,000, might be ready for the upcoming fire season.

Cooinda Burrong Scout Camp received $2000 to purchase 20 bunk beds at its Zumsteins site.

Camp manager Aaron Timms said the new bunks meant damaged beds would be replaced, and the two bunkhouses – each with the capacity to sleep 30 – would be full again.

“We host Scouts, Girl Guides, school groups and private groups,” he said.

“We are regularly booked throughout the year, so it will be great to be back at full capacity again.”

Serviceton Bowling Club board member Ian Tink said its $1500 grant would enable the club to purchase and install security cameras and equipment.

“We’re very happy to have support from the sports and community club again,” he said.

“We have had funding to buy loads of loam, a fridge, and other things.

“We were broken into – it’s quite sickening to go into your club and find broken doors and things thrown around.

“The club does a really great job, putting money back into the region, it’s terrific.”

Other recipients are – Wimmera Poultry Club, printer $600;

1st Rainbow Scout Group, three tents for leaders $1000;

Committee of Management Natimuk Showground, upgrade drainage at netball and tennis courts $2000;

Hopetoun and District Historical Society, museum computer $1500;

Horsham City Rowing Club, rowing machine $1500;

Horsham Pony Club, cross country jumps and safety vests $2000;

Minyip and District Field and Game, purchase and install solar hot water with lighting $1500;

Natimuk Farmers Market Plus, two gazebos $350;

Rainbow Rises Events, storage trolley and mouse-proof cupboards $1500;

Warracknabeal Hockey Club, equipment $1500;

Wimmera District Scout Association, archery equipment $1280;

Hopetoun Patchwork Group, split system $1800;

2nd Horsham Scout Group, tents and indoor sporting equipment $1100;

Cooinda Burrong Scout Camp, 20 sets of bunks $2000;

Hopetoun and District Neighbourhood House, a leg press hack squat combo machine $1500;

Horsham Clay Target Club, replace claybird throwing machine $2500;

Horsham Saints Football Netball Club, netball training tops $1800;

Natimuk United Football Netball Club, gym equipment $1800;

Riding for the Disabled Association, complete stage two of the horse welfare shelter $2500;

Warracknabeal Neighbourhood House, upgrade outdoor space $2200;

Wonwondah Fire Brigade, purchase and install external power supply $800;

Minyip and District Historical Society, microfilm scanner $1800;

Horsham Patchwork Quilters, defibrillator $800;

4th Horsham Scout Group, tents and outdoor equipment $1800;

Edenhope Adult Riding Club Inc, fencing around new building $2000;

Horsham District Soccer Club, update goal posts and accessories $3000;

Horsham Colts Cricket Club, stencil to mark turf cricket pitch $550;

Horsham Table Tennis Association, lighting to assist with venue hire $1000;

Minyip Progress Association, upgrade barbecue area $2400;

Rupanyup RSL, create a slideshow and perpetual local records $1500;

Warracknabeal Town Hall, reconnect urinal and upgrade stage lighting $1700;

Wimmera Football Netball League, $3000;

Natimuk and District Gymnastic Club, a specialist twisting aerial safety belt $1700;

Rainbow Recreation Reserve, $300;

Aubrey Public Hall, fridge $950;

Edenhope- Apsley Football Netball Club, deep freeze $1300;

Horsham Aero Club, carpet in clubrooms and office $2000;

Horsham Croquet Club Inc, replace damaged tables $1200;

Mother’s Day Classic – Horsham, purchase weights to secure inflatable arch and accessories $550;

Nhill A and P Society Inc, resurface toilet block concrete floor $1600;

Serviceton Bowling Club, purchase and install security cameras and equipment $1500;

Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN, resources for Let’s Read Program $3000;

Horsham District Football Netball League, $3000;

Horsham District Community FM Radio, install acoustically suitable carpet tiles $2300;

Toolondo Golf Club, purchase and install a security system $2000;

Brim Memorial Bowling Club, outside drinking fountain $1800;

Gariwerd Artists Inc, portable printer $300;

Horsham Dog Obedience Club, defibrillator $1500; Horsham Urban Landcare, lawnmower and whipper snipper for Tool Library $900; Murtoa Stick Shed, development of interactive information display software $3000; Nhill Bowling Club, ride-on mower $1200; Smart Artz Theatre Inc, wireless PA, weather-resistant outdoor lighting and large mirror $1800; Wimmera Association for Genealogy, subscription renewal of Microsoft Office and Ancestry Programs $400.

As well as the annual contributions, Mr Carroll said HSCC provided regular support to the Christian Emergency Food Centre.

“We have a great association with the Christian Emergency Food Centre,” he said.

“We provide them with 120 frozen meals every month, which they hand out to people in need,” he said.

“Over the last two years, we have donated 840 food hampers that they’ve handed out at Christmas time – club members donated the essential food items for the hampers. 

“We have a very generous community.”

For more information on obtaining funding, people can visit

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