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    Simon Risson.

Invite for seniors to manage twilight years

Organisers of Horsham’s second Managing the Twilight Years event are urging seniors to suggest topics they want to hear about from the experts.

Horsham Church of Christ will again be the venue for the event, on May 15, from 9.30am to 3pm. Morning tea and lunch are included in the $7 door entry.

Horsham Combined Probus Club attracted more than 180 people from across a wide area for the first seminar in 2023.

Organiser Faye Smith said the day was a resounding success and people had urged a second event while also suggesting topics they wanted included.

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Last year’s event heard from many professionals including a retired lawyer, financial advisers, Centrelink senior staff, Grampians Health staff, an undertaker and a minister. All dealt with issues relevant to older people.

“We want to deal with the issues that are causing concern by having the right people on the speaking panel,” Mrs Smith said.

“Older people face many issues, often suddenly, unexpected – and often overwhelming.

“These struggles might include financing the next stage of life, moving dwellings, legal issues, Centrelink’s many programs, information needed after a death, manoeuvring financial arrangements, planning a funeral, setting up powers of attorney and many others.”

Mrs Smith said Horsham Rural City Council had given $500 and Horsham Rotary Club $300 to help cover costs. 

The day will be broken into 25-minute sessions and some speakers would also be available for personal interviews.

The seminars follow a session run by Upper Class, a seniors’ group at Horsham Church of Christ in 2017 titled  – How to Better Help Those Left Behind – with minister Simon Risson and undertaker Trevor Bysouth.

“People wanted more issues covered than could be handled in one session, so that’s how we started Managing the Twilight Years,” Mrs Smith said.

She asked people wanting to suggest topics to phone 0427 821 510 or email

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