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    Jacinta Langdon is Longerenong College’s new general manager, starting in her new role last week.
  • Hero image
    Jacinta Langdon is Longerenong College’s new general manager, starting in her new role last week.

Jacinta Langdon to lead Longy College

Jacinta Langdon is Longerenong College’s new general manager, starting in her new role last week.

Ms Langdon said she was ‘honoured and privileged’ to have the opportunity to lead Longerenong into the future.

“I’m leading a great team of very dedicated people and hope my passion for agriculture and my commitment to nurturing young people will equip our students with the skills and attitude to make a significant impact in the agriculture industry across Australia and internationally,” she said.

“I’m excited to work with the college and the wider community to ensure Longy continues to develop exceptional individuals. 

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“I look forward to driving the growth and success of our students, fostering the next generation of leaders in agriculture.”

Ms Langdon has 25 years of experience in the agricultural, land management, and environmental industries. 

Her diverse roles have included business owner, agronomist, extension officer, and trainer.

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