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LETTER: Further into the mire

SIR, – My friend, the late Eric Butler, was a world-renowned orator whose dissertations on the shortcomings of the Keynes economic doctrine are legendary.

He frequently peppered his lectures with expressions like, ‘If you haven’t suffered enough you have the God-given right to suffer some more’.

Obviously, Hindmarsh mayor Rob Gersch, bless his heart for his persistence, is prepared to suffer some more.

While this $1-billion hole exists in the West Gate tunnel, everybody west of Melton is going to suffer again. 

Article continues below

Furthermore, until we repudiate Keynes and adopt a system that does not rely on inflation – target two to three percent – and ever-increasing debt, we are only going to go further into the mire.

Ron Fischer


The entire February 5, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!