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LETTER: Take the lead

The entire September 15, 2021 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

SIR, – As a former community leader, I maintain a genuine interest in the people of the Wimmera.

These are challenging days, and over the past 18 months, we have heard the consistent messages to ‘look after one another’, that ‘we will get through this’ and that ‘we are all in this together’.

Article continues below

We are all hoping for brighter times and we yearn for assurance. 

There are many voices and opinions, attitudes and convictions, rules and regulations, doubts and decisions.

One of the best things that we can do, in the latter part of 2021, is to make an informed decision, to consider accepting a COVID-19 vaccination – if we are able – and to encourage those people that we care about, to do the same. 

And, we ‘will’ get through this... together.

Mark Radford
