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    LEADERS: Wimmera Lutheran College leaders, standing from left, deputy principal Kate Carter, executive principal Jason Przibilla, Lutheran education executive director Colin Minke, Nhill campus principal Damon Prenzler, Horsham campus head of school Adam Borgas, college board member Andrew Wundke, college board chair Mark Hughes, learning leader Kim Powell and seated, head of schools assistant Jacqui North and Dimboola campus head of school Millie Dent. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Milestone day for Wimmera Lutheran College

As students and staff across the state return to school this week, staff from Lutheran schools at Nhill, Dimboola and Horsham marked a milestone last week, coming together for the first time as the amalgamated Wimmera Lutheran College.

Following an opening service by Pastor Hans Peethala and worship led by Horsham campus chapel band, members of the executive leadership team outlined what they were looking forward to under the school’s new banner. 

Learning leader Kim Powell led a Free 2 Flourish session for staff, who explored the concept of ‘Who We Are’, as well as learner profiles and visions for the college.

A team-building Amazing Race activity around the Horsham campus was also a highlight of the day.

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The college’s landing page is now live, along with each campus’s own website, for people to access information. 

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