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    TEAM MOVEMBER: Gareth Olver, Emma Mackley and the Grampians Community Health team are participating in Movember. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Movember changing the face of men’s health

The team at Grampians Community Health want to ‘change the face’ of men’s health – getting active and, in some cases, growing moustaches to raise money and awareness for Movember. 

The annual campaign seeks to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. 

Grampians Community Health, GCH, is participating as a team for the second year. 

Team members had walked almost 200km and raised almost $3000 by Monday morning. 

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GCH non-residential withdrawal nurse Emma Mackley, a ‘Mo-sister’, said it was a cause close to her heart, and a Movember tattoo on her finger evoked important conversations. 

“Seventy-five percent of all suicides in Australia are men and this is a conversation that needs to be had,” she said. 

“It’s really important that we ensure our men are not manning up, but actually speaking up. 

“Movember creates conversation and connection and a space for people to talk about what’s going on for them.” 

GCH digital media communications, Gareth Olver, said there was ‘healthy’ competition among the team as they strived to move, as a collective, 60km a day. 

He is tracking the team’s progress and providing updates via Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat social media accounts. 

“We’re not only raising money for a good cause; it’s good for us, too,” he said. 

People can keep up-to-date with the team’s efforts, and donate to the cause, via GCH social media accounts or by searching Grampians Community Health via  

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