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New silo tender for Rainbow

Hindmarsh Shire Council will host a drop-in session to update the community about the tourism development of the Llew Schilling Silo.

The session will be at Rainbow Library and Customer Service Centre on Friday from 1pm to 6pm.

It is a chance for community members to learn more about the project to date and ask questions about the proposed development of the site.

The project was advertised for tender mid-year.

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The tender attracted limited interest and submissions were costed significantly higher than the available budget, funded by the State Government’s tourism infrastructure program for flagship projects.

Hindmarsh mayor Brett Ireland said it was a great opportunity for the community to drop by for a few minutes to look at the updated design for the silo development.

“Council officers will be onsite to answer any questions you may have, so we welcome anyone who would like to come along and learn more about this project,” he said.

The entire November 15, 2023 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!