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    Zeeahra Bodycote and Briely Lawson. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
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    Justin Lever-Schwarz, Francis Smith and Alan Kuriakose. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
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    Kensi Quick and Abbey Netherway. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    Dawson Cross and Leigh McDonald colour Beau Hudson. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    Jonty Blair and Bronwyn van Zelst. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    Lucy Miller, Briely Lawson, Claudia Penny, Ivy Hofmaier and Lacey Ellis. St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.
  • Hero image
    St Brigids College and Ss Michael and John's colour run.

PHOTOS: Colour run fun

COLOURFUL FUN: Students from Horsham’s St Brigid’s College and Ss Michael and John’s Primary School joined for a colour run yesterday.

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