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Refreshed building frontages for Ararat businesses

Two recipients of an Ararat Rural City Council grants scheme recently unveiled refreshed building frontages completed with money from the program.

Mental-health counselling provider Ararat Wellness and financial planner and tax agent Sertori and Co are the latest recipients of the council’s façade grants program, which awards grants of up to $10,000 on a two-to-one contribution basis, offering local businesses the ability to refresh their business frontages.

The grants are open to new, expanding or relocating businesses that have a street frontage in Ararat Rural City.

Façade-improvement works can include painting and cleaning of an existing façade, replacement of doors, windows or glasswork, new signage, outdoor heating or cooling and lighting.

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Mayor Jo Armstrong said the council had supported more than 50 local businesses through the scheme as part of an effort to improve street appeal, maintain the heritage of local buildings and support people looking to open a new business or expand their existing one.

“We are proud to support our local business community through council’s façade grants program,” she said.

“By investing in our businesses, we’re investing in our community. 

“I encourage all eligible businesses to apply and take advantage of this opportunity to not only uplift their street frontages, but to also contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere for both locals and visitors to the region.”

All applications will be assessed by an internal council panel.

Businesses interested in applying for the Ararat Rural City Façade Grants Scheme can visit or call 5355 0200.