The 2025 Ride Sub Committee is focused on a ‘safe and enjoyable’ Ride for everyone involved and fully supports the decision.
We will hold all existing bookings for the time being and advise you of the revised date for the Ride as soon as we can. Refunds will be available if this new date is not suitable for you.
If you have booked accommodation in Ararat & District you may like to contact them as quickly as possible in case they have penalties for late cancellations. If you still plan on coming this way over the weekend, we encourage you to pop into the Ararat RSL for a meal, though you will need to make a booking (ph: 53522794).
If you know of someone who was planning to travel and book on the day, can you contact them and advise of the postponement. We will be placing notices on all of our electronic and social media sites, but if you can help with this messaging, we would be very grateful.
In advance we thank you for your continued support and we will work with all parties involved and will keep in touch.
Dianne Radford OAM
GRAMPIANS “Ride to Remember” 2025
Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation - Ararat Branch
EARLIER: A revised Ride to Remember will attract about 500 motorcyclists to its Ararat-based annual event, while raising money for an anaesthetic machine for the Ararat hospital.
Hosted by Ararat’s branch of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation on Sunday, the 185-kilometre ride will this year avoid parts of the fire-affected Grampians National Park.
Ride chairman Dean Pinniger said he was grateful for the co-operation of bodies involved in re-routing the ride.
“Planning for the 2025 ride is back on track after having to re-visit the route due to the recent Grampians fires, and we thank all the relevant bodies for working with us so we have a safe and enjoyable ride,” he said.
The ride starts at 9am from the Queen-Barkly streets roundabout and travels rural to Crowlands, Joel Joel, Stawell, Pomonal for morning tea, then Lake Fyans, Lake Lonsdale, Pomonal, Moyston and back to Ararat for lunch at the Alexandra Gardens around 12.30pm.
Morning tea will be hosted by Pomonal Tennis Club, Ararat Lions Club will cater lunch, and there will be a dinner at Ararat RSL for participants.
A six-section show ‘n’ shine and the Blue Ribbon merchandise van will also be at Alexandra Gardens following the ride.
“We are pleased also that Pomonal is able to be involved again as riders and pillions will be keen to return and check out the upgraded tennis courts, which many contributed a donation through the Giving Back to Pomonal fundraising co-ordinated by our Ararat Branch last year,” Mr Pinniger said.
“This is the 17th year of the ride, and we are again looking towards another successful event for Blue Ribbon Ararat.
“Importantly, the ride remembers the sacrifice of Victoria Police who have fallen in the line of duty and to show all serving members their work and commitment is valued by our community.”
The ride’s proceeds will go towards a $114,070 anaesthetic machine for the Jason Bond Perioperative Unit at East Grampians Health Service’s Ararat campus.
Registration for the ride is $50 for riders and pillions. For more information, visit
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