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    HOSTS: Horsham Squash Club’s Oliver Doti and Jasper Fagan are looking forward to their club hosting Battle of the Border and a junior tournament this weekend. Picture: BRONWYN HASTINGS

Squash players prepare to battle

Horsham Squash Club will host two major events at the weekend, the Battle of the Border and Horsham Junior Silver state tournament.

Competition co-ordinator Launa Schilling said Battle of the Border, on Saturday, would involve Victoria taking on South Australia.

“We expect to have 10 players represent each state – it’s an abilities-based tournament with a boys’ and girls’ open, as well as mixed graded divisions,” she said.

“People are welcome to come and watch Vic smash SA on Saturday afternoon.”

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The state’s first junior tournament for this year, Sunday’s event is expected to attract about 50 players aged under 19.

“The top three place-getters in the boys’ and girls’ A Grade divisions will each receive vouchers worth hundreds of dollars, which will go towards their expenses for the Australian Junior Championships,” Ms Schilling said.

A two-day coaching clinic hosted by state coaches will follow the tournament, on January 20 and 21.

Ms Schilling said the club welcomed people of all ages and skill stages, with a come-and-try session for senior players scheduled for January 29. 

People can find more information about the club on its Facebook page, or by calling Tim Davey on 0434 396 600.