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    Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has put the blowtorch on the State Government’s inaction to provide funding support to fire-affected businesses.

State Government under fire

By Lauren Henry

Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has put the blowtorch on the State Government’s inaction to provide funding support to fire-affected businesses and residents across the region.

In Parliament yesterday, Ms Kealy questioned the government on business support and called for an inquiry into preparedness and recovery.

Ms Kealy asked in light of the government yesterday announcing an inquiry into landslides at McRae on the Mornington Peninsula, when would Premier Jacinta Allan establish an inquiry into the Grampians fire.

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She pointed out a lack of fuel reduction to levels recommended in the Royal Commission into Black Saturday fires; failure to have a complete fire-fighting air-fleet in place for the fire season; and failure to support businesses to assist community recovery.

The Premier said she understood the ‘great challenges’ that were being experienced by townships, businesses and communities around the Grampians.

“There’s already been a range of supports that have been provided with the activation of the personal hardship grants, and the activation by the Federal Government for employees in those communities who have lost their income,” she said.

Ms Allan said she visited Horsham Incident Control Centre with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in December, while the Yarram Gap fire was burning, where she was briefed by and thanked emergency services personnel.

She said Emergency Services Minister Vikki Ward visited Dimboola last week, and  the Local Government Minister and Small Business Minister have visited Halls Gap last month.

“We are doing that to listen to those communities ... There is still an active fire underway right now, and we will continue to support those communities,” she said.

Ms Kealy took the Premier to task about the lack of business support, telling Parliament that businesses were about to ‘go broke’ because there was no government assistance they qualified for.

“The Labor government’s support for our communities over these fire events has been disastrous,” she said.

“Despite the bushfires starting 50 long days ago, there has been no support provided for local businesses, and no community recovery packages offered.

“The fires came at a time which should have been the peak Grampians tourism period to carry businesses through financially for the rest of the year.

“Our region’s tourism businesses are on their knees.”

The Weekly Advertiser asked the State Government for answer to when they would make a formal request to the Federal Government for more disaster recovery support, and what was the hold-up; if the premier was planning to visit the fireground soon and meet with fire-affected residents and business owners; and when would the State Government provide more financial assistance for businesses who have been financially impacted by the fires.

A State Government spokesperson responded:

“We thank all our emergency service workers and volunteers who have been battling fires in the west around the clock since December.

“We’ll continue to support the communities who have been impacted - whether that’s local residents, tourism operators or other businesses.
“There are both Commonwealth and Victorian Government funded financial support services available to communities affected by bushfires, including up to 13 weeks of income support for workers and sole traders who have experienced loss of income.
“Halls Gap is now reopen to visitors - and we encourage all Victorians to experience the best the state has to offer by exploring our beautiful regions.”

The entire February 5, 2025 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!