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Study to guide Victorian wine industry direction

The State Government is seeking public input as it compiles a strategy to guide the future of Victoria’s $9-billion wine industry

Agriculture Minister Ros Spence opened public consultation for the Victorian Wine Strategy in December, with feedback to inform the new strategy to support sustainability and direct the state’s wine industry.

Ms Spence said the design process provided opportunities for industry leaders and the government to collaborate in order to future-proof the industry against trade disruptions and consumer trends.

“While Victorian wines continue to perform strongly, we need to ensure our industry can continue to adapt and thrive into the future – that’s why we are working with industry to develop a new Victorian Wine Strategy,” she said.

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“We want to hear from anyone with an interest in the future of Victoria’s wine industry – from grape growers and winemakers to logistics and exporters, hospitality and retail, academics, supporting industries and consumers.”

Agriculture Victoria will lead the process alongside a steering committee made up of industry representatives including Wine Victoria chief executive Stephanie Duboudin and chair Dan Sims.

The Victorian Wine Strategy preliminary design will be available for public consultation until January 31, with the final strategy expected to be released in the first half of this year.

The new strategy aims to build on a previous Victorian Wine Industry Development Strategy, which encouraged investment and tourism opportunities in the industry as well as improving biosecurity practices.

The new strategy’s development is funded through a $5-million Wine to the World program as part of the government’s Backing Victoria’s Producers Initiative.

People can read the strategy design and submit a response by visiting