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    Tammy Smith.

Tammy Smith to support Rural Councils

Yarriambiack Shire Council chief executive Tammy Smith will take on the role of treasurer of Rural Councils Victoria this year.

Cr Robert Amos, Campaspe Shire, has been elected as the new chair, while Cr Kate Makin, Corangamite Shire, is the new deputy chair. 

Rural Councils Victoria is governed by a committee comprising two representatives from each local government region. 

For each region, one representative is an elected councillor, and the other is a council officer. 

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Other office holders include Hepburn Shire Council chief executive Bradley Thomas.

Rural Councils Victoria, RCV, represents communities across the state’s 33 rural council areas. 

The entire February 5, 2025 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!