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Wannon push for tertiary students

Member for Wannon Dan Tehan wants to boost his electorate’s economy by hosting more tertiary students on Federal Government scholarships.

Mr Tehan has called on Wannon universities and Vocational Education and Training providers to apply for funding to offer Destination Australia scholarships through their institutions.

He said Destination Australia scholarships would provide students up to $15,000 a year to study and live in Wannon.

Mr Tehan said 250 additional scholarships were available to encourage students to study in regional Australia.

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“We all know that Wannon is the best place to live and these scholarships are an opportunity to attract more young people to live and study in our region,” he said.

“Attracting more students to live and study here will support businesses and create jobs while invigorating our communities.

“The Wannon region has a lot to offer students socially and culturally, and we also have a lot to gain. This will be particularly important as we work to recover economically from the coronavirus pandemic.

“Vocational education providers and universities in Wannon can apply to offer scholarships of up to $15,000 a student a year from 2021, for students undertaking qualifications from a Certificate IV through to PhD.”

Applications close on July 7 and students can apply directly to institutions. People seeking more information can visit website

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