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    KEEN: Dimboola musician Ian Lehmann is looking forward to performing during The Wimmera’s First Steampunk Street Party early next month. Mr Lehmann is pictured with a vintage valve trombone from circa 1880. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Bands join Dimboola steampunk festival line-up

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Long-term Dimboola resident Ian Lehmann will be among musicians performing at the town’s first steampunk festival early next month. 

Nhill-Dimboola Brass Band and jazz band Key Change, both of which Mr Lehmann is a member, will be among five acts playing at The Wimmera’s First Steampunk Street Party. 

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Horsham rock band Headrush and Melbourne bands Danny Walsh Banned and Blackbirds will join the musicians for the September 4 festival. 

Mr Lehmann, who plays trombone and trumpet, said the band was thrilled to be involved in the premiere steampunk-themed event. 

“It’s a part of what bands do. We attend shows, regattas and festivals – you name it,” he said.

“It’s just being part of the community.” 

Mr Lehmann, 83, has enjoyed several leadership positions in the jazz and brass bands.

But he said his focus had turned to slowing down and just ‘playing the music’ in recent years. 

“I’ve been playing since I was eight and now go along and enjoy playing rather than being involved in conducting or being president of the bands,” he said. 

“I’m playing trombone in the brass band, play both trumpet and trombone in the jazz band and in church I play the trumpet.” 

– Dylan De Jong

RELATED: Dimboola Steampunk countdown is on