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COMMENT: Commitment we all share

This week I experienced a ‘Proud Mum’ moment that was a deviation from the norm – my children weren’t the focus. 

On Tuesday I picked up three colleagues from the Royal Children’s Hospital and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute from the Stawell bus station, and I couldn’t help but feel excited with anticipation of ‘showing off’ our region.

As we settled on the banks of the Wimmera River at Dimboola with the sun setting, I was internally fist-pumping that the weather was magical, the setting stunning and company for dinner full of authentic local leaders. 

As we toured the next day from Jeparit to Harrow, Goroke to Horsham, I couldn’t help but feel so fortunate to be surrounded by the most passionate, articulate, community-minded people. 

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These were not just professionals, parents, and community members – they were advocates who intimately understood their school was more than just an educational institution, their bush nursing centre transcended conventional definitions, and their kindergarten not only nurtured young minds, but also provided a haven for countless smiling faces.

We experienced schools harvesting breakfast for their children as they knew they hopped on the bus hours ago and needed a ‘top up’. The flexibility of adjusting the plans of the day due to unplanned illnesses. 

The deep gratitude of parents who feel so supported by their local health services and the immense sense of comfort in being able to turn up to an appointment with the whole family in tow, knowing someone will keep an eye on them while they are ‘getting something checked’. 

The kindergarten staff’s deep knowledge of each child, discerning the weariness of a little one after a significant community event involving parents, highlighted the level of personal investment in each child’s well-being. 

Even the logical decision of growing crops and baling straw instead of flowers this year, was met with an insightful rationale.

The passion in our region is palpable, the local leadership across our communities is an enormous asset. 

While supporting these dedicated individuals in achieving their goals can be challenging within the confines of rigid guidelines, it’s a commitment we all share. 

Our partners returned to the city with minds expanded, hearts warmed, and bags brimming with generously gifted passionfruit, a tangible symbol of the boundless enthusiasm and growth they encountered in our region.

The entire March 13, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!