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    Grant Kuchel.

Grant Kuchel to head new AFL Wimmera Mallee council

Long-time football administrator Grant Kuchel will head a newly-established AFL Wimmera Mallee region council, which met for the first time last week.

Mr Kuchel is the inaugural chairperson of the council, with Gaynor Baker and Jeffery Both also appointed members.

A co-host of 3WM’s ‘The Shirtfront’ radio program, Mr Kuchel will serve as chairperson for one year, with AFL Wimmera Mallee region manager Angela Ballinger to be secretary.

AFL Victoria last week appointed representatives to five region councils across country Victoria, including AFL Wimmera Mallee, AFL Western District, AFL Goldfields, AFL Gippsland and AFL South East.

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“The purpose of the region council is to provide constructive guidance and recommendations to the AFL Victoria board using a collection of skills, knowledge and expertise, from a broad collection of backgrounds, on a range of strategic and demographic issues that arise in the administration of Australian football within the Wimmera Mallee region,” Ms Ballinger said.

“That is – local people making local decisions about local football in the Wimmera.”

AFL Victoria head Greg Madigan said each region council member was appointed based on the needs of their region, with councils possessing a mix of relevant skills and expertise. He said a key reason for establishing the councils was to allow local people to make local decisions and work collaboratively with local leagues and AFL Victoria.

The councils will provide advice and recommendations in the best interest of their regions, including proposing rule changes and modifications, and age-group determinations.

Councils will also support participation growth and club development opportunities.

“The region councils have been established to help local football in country regions across the state,” Mr Madigan said.

“We are really pleased with the calibre of people who put themselves forward and have been appointed to represent their regions.

“All council members share a passion for the game and a deep understanding of their regions, which will help to ensure constructive guidance and local leadership is provided.

“Footy has rebounded strongly after severe disruptions in recent years and while the game is generally in good shape, we know there are clubs and communities doing it tough.

“AFL Victoria is committed to directing support to where it’s needed most and the region councils will help to ensure local knowledge and needs are factored into ensuring the game thrives well into the future.”

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