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    HOOKED IN: Horsham Hockey Club’s Sue Roberts shows Horsham Primary School students, from left, Pippa McDonald, Shenae Barnett and Mia Bourne the finer points of hockey at a Hockey Victoria Schools Roadshow. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Hockey roadshow rolls into Horsham schools

Horsham primary school students are stepping outside of the classroom to learn the basics and fun of hockey this week.

Hockey Victoria’s School Roadshow is amid a week-long visit to provide five Horsham district schools skill-based hockey sessions and inspire student interest in the sport.

Horsham Hockey Club spokeswoman Launa Schilling said the school roadshow was a statewide program that routinely taught about 700 to 800 Horsham primary students each year.

She said it provided children a fun opportunity to learn fundamentals of the sport with the hope that children might gain interest in joining a club team.

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“We’ve been doing this with Hockey Victoria for many years now,” she said. “We’re trying to get the children interested in our Hook in2 Hockey beginners program. We’re aiming for 50-plus kids this year.”

Ms Schilling said the Hook in2 Hockey program was for children aged five to 11 years, and was run on Wednesdays from 4.45pm to 5.45pm at Horsham College Community Oval.

She said Horsham Hockey Club was also preparing for a come-and-try day on Sunday at the oval from 11am to 12.30pm, for anyone interested in joining the club’s men’s, women’s, junior or under-12 teams.

She said people could register for Hook in2 Hockey online at

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