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    Nola Wade, president Dennis Wade and secretary Mick Ellis celebrate the news the State Government had awarded the club $250,000 towards two new synthetic greens.

Horsham benefits from grants

Coughlin Park Bowls Club in Horsham will have two new synthetic greens courtesy of a successful Horsham Rural City Council application for State Government funding.
The bowls club, the last in Horsham with all grass greens, will receive $250,000 in state funding to upgrade to the modern alternative.

The council will also contribute $10,000 from its annual Community Development Grants Program and the Coughlin Park club $104,900.

As well as the new synthetic greens, the club will also ensure the venue has all-abilities access, building ramps as part of the development.
Horsham mayor Mark Radford said the council had applied for the funding on behalf of the bowls club in February. 
“Over the past five years, bowling clubs within Horsham have transitioned from lawn greens to synthetic surfaces for a number of reasons including drought and water-supply issues, maintenance costs, burden on ageing volunteers, all-year-round useability, and ability to engage qualified and experienced greenkeepers,” Cr Radford said.

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“The council has also supported successful funding applications through Sport and Recreation Victoria for two synthetic greens at Horsham City Bowling Club and Sunnyside Bowling Club.  Horsham Golf Bowls Club has recently transitioned their single green from grass to synthetic.”
Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford announced the funding this week during a video conference with Cr Radford, members of Coughlin Park Bowls Club and council staff.

The council has also received a $30,000 grant for a multi-sport precinct feasibility study.

The study will examine various options for the development of indoor and outdoor regional sporting facilities in Horsham, including the location of a Wimmera indoor sports stadium.


Infrastructure boost for Wimmera sporting clubs

The entire July 15, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!