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    Horsham Cricket Association is on the brink of folding after a failed annual general meeting.

Horsham cricket association could fold

Horsham Cricket Association is on the brink of folding after a failed annual general meeting.

The association will go into indefinite recess unless it secures several new administrators before July 10, after receiving no committee nominations at Wednesday's meeting.

Association president Travis Hair essentially ran the competition singlehandedly last season, with part-time contributions from general committee member Tony Wills and Mr Hair’s wife Kate, who served as treasurer.

Mr Hair, who also operates his own business, said he was no longer able to sustain the effort required to organise the competition without an influx of new committee members.

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He said last night’s AGM closed after only 15 minutes when the association received no committee nominations, leaving attendees stunned.

“We’re meant to have a minimum of five board members, so we actually really shouldn’t have run last season,” he said.

“We got through the year doing the best we could, but unfortunately it’s an association that does need five board members.

“It probably also needs another eight or nine people underneath that to fill roles in different areas that I had to do all year.

“We’ve been reaching out to clubs for nominations for a long time now.

“We had no nominations for any positions come in, so we had no other alternative but to call a special general meeting on July 10.

“If we can’t get positions filled that need to be filled, we’ll be putting the HCA into recess indefinitely.”

Mr Hair encouraged people to consider nominating for a committee position for the sake of the association’s 500 registered players, many of whom are children.

He said the more people who nominated for the committee, the easier it would be to run the competition.

“The HCA has been a big part of people’s lives for a lot of years now. I’m sure there are a lot of families where the dads have played cricket and now the kids are playing, and they might even be playing with dad. In some cases we’ve got daughters and mums, and whole families involved,” he said.

“It’s a sport that’s given a lot to a lot of people, and it would be really nice for people who have been involved or want to be involved reflected and said ‘I’ve had a lot of fun playing cricket and maybe I can give something back’.

“We’re not asking to take people’s lives away on boards and create full-time roles out of it. What we’re saying is that many hands make light work.”

The special general meeting is planned for July 10 from 7pm at West Side Horsham.

Mr Hair said people could call him on 0437 778 202 with any questions about nominating.

“If anyone wants to know anything, they can contact me directly. All they need to do is give me a ring,” he said.

“We want people to be involved and we want them to enjoy being involved, because that’s what keeps them coming back. Don’t wait until it’s too late.”